Getting boys' education 'right'

Titre du document / Document title
Getting boys' education 'right' : the Australian government's parliamentary inquiry report as an exemplary instance of recuperative masculinity politics = Obtenir une 'bonne' éducation des garçons : le rapport parlementaire de l'enquête du gouvernement australien comme exemple de la politique de récupération du masculin

Auteur(s) / Author(s)
MILLS Martin (1) ; MARTINO Wayne (2) ; LINGARD Bob (3) ;
Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)(1) The University of Queensland, AUSTRALIE(2) University of Western Ontario, CANADA(3) The University of Edinburgh, ROYAUME-UNI

Résumé / Abstract
This paper focuses on the Australian federal Parliamentary Inquiry into Boys' Education, Boys: Getting it Right, which is shown to be an exemplary instance of recuperative masculinity politics. The paper demonstrates how, through a variety of rhetorical strategies, its anti-feminist politics are masked and how the report works with essentialised differences between boys and girls. The argument is demonstrated through a focus on a number of the report's recommendations, including the call for a recasting of current gender policy, the need for creating so-called 'boy-friendly' curricula, assessment and pedagogical practices, and for employment of more male teachers. The report draws on populist literature and submissions from the boys' lobby, as well as practice-oriented submissions to the neglect of theoretically oriented and (pro-)feminist work. As such, the significance of the construction of masculinities to boys' attachment to and performances in school is totally neglected, limiting the value of the report's recommendations for improving schooling for both boys and girls.

Revue / Journal
TitleBritish journal of sociology of education (Br. j. sociol. educ.) ISSN 0142-5692

Source / Source
2007, vol. 28, no1, pp. 5-21 [17 page(s) (article)] (2 p.)

Langue / Language

Editeur / Publisher
Taylor and Francis, Abingdon, ROYAUME-UNI (1980) (Revue)

Mots-clés anglais / English Keywords
Gender difference ; Gender ; School ; Male domination ; Boy ; Male ; Educational Policy ; Australia ;

Mots-clés français / French Keywords
Essentialisme ; Différence selon le sexe ; Genre ; Ecole ; Domination masculine ; Garçon ; Masculin ; Politique de l'éducation ; Australie ;

Localisation / Location
INIST-CNRS, Cote INIST : 22239, 35400015931000.0010